Helping My Family: Helping Yours
My Blessing: My Daughter
My life changed for the best, and I found my purpose in life as a mother after I was blessed with a beautiful daughter. When my daughter was eight, she struggled with Torticollis. The muscles of her neck caused her head to tilt down and her whole spine looked like a slithering snake on an x-ray. I took her to a doctor who was advanced proficiency rated in Activator Methods® and understood neural structural integration technique.
With one adjustment and neural structural integration technique, my daughter's spine was 100% straight within the first visit. When x-rays were taken again she had a perfectly straight spine. I wanted to be the one to ultimately care for her and others in the same way and so my journey began.

My Hero: My Son
I have never been more proud of what my son has accomplished for himself. He has followed his dreams to race longboards. Sustaining an excruciating injury after hitting a guardrail with his head left him in unbearable pain and unable to lift his arm above his head.
My son came back from Colorado for help. Within one treatment his arm had full range of motion. He was home for four days, and by the time he left, his last adjustment was going to last him 6 weeks.
As soon as he got back to Colorado, he was on his longboard again. This time his reflexes were so stable he was taking his Nikon camera following sponsored longboarders and photographing their moves going 70 miles an hour down mountains. He is now the official photographer for Descent Longboards.
"We’re really hyped to have the chance to support this guy in creating some really iconic images. You can help us help him by giving him a follow, and purchasing one of these limited edition @mochtography posters next week."